Case study
周張律師事務所 ( Chow & Cheung) 的國際公證人 Natalia Cheung 可公證及安排海牙認證香港發出的無犯罪記錄證明,以供當事人申請馬來西亞第二家園簽證。
Chow & Cheung HK notary public Natalia Cheung can provide HK Notary Public and High Court Apostille Services for certifying Certificate of Non-Criminal Record for MM2H visa application in Malaysia
Chow & Cheung 周張律師事務所 Hong Kong Solicitors & Notary Public & China Appointed Attesting Officer (CAAO) & Greater Bay Area (GBA) Lawyers 香港律師及大灣區律師,中國公証及國際公證服務,香港及內地法律服務 +852 2856 3078